The Beastmaster Movie Review

Released in 1982, The Beastmaster came out in the wake of Conan the Barbarian. Despite this, it didn't get much praise during it's theatrical run. However, subsequent airings on cable TV granted the film a cult following that has grown (blog) over the years. So in this tale of swords, sorcery, barbarism and boobs - there yet remains one question

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Rebirth of Mothra 3 Movie Review

To save the world, Mothra goes back in time in an attempt to defeat a younger King Ghidorah. There are some sporadically fun kaiju fights here, fun because of how silly they are. At one point Ghidorah stamps on Mothra repeatedly; at another point Mothra does a fly by and slices Ghidorah's wing in half. Did I also mention Mothra can time travel an

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